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PetSafe HQ Subscription Plan Policy

This Subscription Plan Policy was last updated on 20/01/2024.



PetSafe HQ offers subscription plans that are billed on a monthly basis. These plans provide access to unique features and benefits to enhance the safety and well-being of your pets. This policy outlines the guidelines for participating in our subscription plans.


Subscription Charges and Payment

  • Subscriptions are processed through Stripe, ensuring secure and reliable payment transactions.
  • Charges are recurring and occur monthly – unless cancelled.


Subscription Management

  • Subscriptions can be modified or cancelled via the Billing Portal accessible in the PetSafe HQ dashboard.
  • Whether the changes will be made immediately, or at the end of the billing period, you will be notified.


Free Replacement Tags

  • Subscribers are entitled to free replacement tags, the quantity of which depends on the specific plan.
  • Eligibility for free replacement tags activates after 365 days of continuous subscription to a particular plan.
  • Each subscription plan is tracked individually. The 365-day period for free tag eligibility is specific to each plan.
  • Subscription cancellations do not reset the counter for free tag eligibility. However, if there is no activity on a particular plan for 2 years, the counter will reset.


PetWeather Advisor Feature

  • Subscribers have access to the PetWeather Advisor, an AI-driven feature that provides guidance based on current and forecasted weather conditions.
  • Disclaimer: The advice and information provided by the PetWeather Advisor are generated by AI based on current weather data. While we strive for accuracy, these AI-generated insights should be used as a general guide only. PetSafe HQ cannot guarantee the correctness of all information or advice. Always use your best judgment for your pet’s safety and keep an eye on any changes.


Additional Features

  • PetSafe HQ may introduce new features to our subscription plans. Features will be accompanied by specific terms and conditions if necessary.
  • Not all features/benefits may be listed in this policy. For features without specific terms, it is understood that they are self-explanatory or fall under the general terms of service for PetSafe HQ.


Updates and Amendments

  • This policy is subject to updates and amendments to accommodate new features and changes in our service.
  • Subscribers will be notified of any significant changes to the policy.


Limitations of Liability

PetSafe HQ makes every effort to ensure the reliability and accuracy of our services. However, are not liable for any inaccuracies or lapses in the services provided.


Contact and Support

For any questions or assistance related to your subscription, please contact us at